


The 42nd District comprises portions of East New York, Brownsville, New Lots, Remsen Village, Spring Creek, and Starrett City.
We need people-powered leadership that comes from the grassroots, organizing social solidarity, not sowing seeds of division.

Our platform is based on three key themes: EQUITY, JUSTICE, and TRANSPARENCY. 

We will fight for equitable policies, seek justice to hold the city accountable for lack of funding and investment, and hold a fully transparent office so our entire community feels that they have a stake in what happens in our entire district. 

We are proud that our policy platform has been wholly and completely informed by the community through our listening sessions, town halls and community interactions!


  • Fix our school buildings and equip teachers with the resources they need.

  • advocate for smaller class sizes, more full-time social workers, nurses and counselors.

  • Dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline by ending zero-tolerance discipline policies and ending the relationship with the NYPD.

  • Expand food justice in public schools, providing Halal, Kosher, vegetarian, and vegan meals.

  • Prioritize Black, Latinx, Indigenous and LGBTQIA+ education curriculum.

  • Push for universal childcare.

  • Prioritize STEAM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) allowing students to engage in experiential learning, problem-solving.

  • Expand environmental and conservation education in public schools by partnering public parks, community gardens, school administration, and PTAs.

  • Prioritize Higher Education, Apprenticeship and Trade Schools. Bridge the divide in access to higher education demanding local higher education and trade school opportunities.

  • Institute school-based restorative justice, empowering students to resolve conflicts on their own and in small groups, bringing students together in peer-mediated groups to achieve understanding.

  • Advocate for “community schools” that would focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development and community engagement. 

  • Expand after school programming, keeping school buildings open beyond the traditional school day, during summer, and on weekends for recreation and educational programs for children and adults.

  • Fight against cuts to education ensuring equitable distribution of funds and resources.


  • Housing is a Human Right.

  • Proactively invest in NYCHA, public housing, subsidized housing, homeownership, housing owned by nonprofits, Community Land Trusts, Basement Legalizations, HDFCs, federal housing vouchers, and cooperatives bringing more collective ownership of housing.

  • Ensure all NYCHA developments undergo comprehensive renovations, creating a real time online tracking of building conditions, repairs, and provide ongoing job training programs for NYCHA residents.

  • Better incorporate data, context, and citywide planning goals through a process that engages and ensures actionable and binding powers for the community in the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) process.

  • Revise Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) to expand affordability beyond 20% and retain public land for public housing, rather than privatization.

  • Ensure New Yorkers with companion animals are not denied access to safe housing and shelters.

  • Strengthen and enforce tenant protections passed at the State level, including expanding the right to counsel to all tenants in New York City who seek representation in housing court.

  • Commit to supporting those experiencing homelessness into subsidized housing connecting them to support services.


  • Fight for City control of Public Transit.

  • Guarantee that the MTA works and is accessible for all.

  • Achieve community and advocate led transit planning in the identification, and implementation of street safety measures.

  • Ensure an accelerated timeline for the installation of elevators, and ramps.

  • Create an accountability system that strengthens and upholds community engagement.

  • Reform and improve Access-A-Ride to simplify and guarantee access.

  • Extend the 3 train subway line to the livonia maintenance yard near the gateway center mall, spring creek nehemiah and several large housing developments

  • comprehensively expand district-wide bush shelters and benches. 

  • Eliminate two fare-zones, ensuring access to under served communities, and transit deserts like the 42nd District.

Older Adult Services

  • Guarantee resources for older adults in our community: eldercare, exercise programs, social engagements at community centers, home health support, transportation assistance, arts & culture access, and universal access to healthcare.

  • Support nursing facilities in our district to provide adequate care, including universal training, adequate PPE COVID-19 testing and vaccine supplies, and tracing of employees to help prevent future outbreaks.


  • Demand for the immediate demilitarization, and defunding of the NYPD reinvesting in community-based needs.

  • Support the legalization of recreational marijuana, and a framework for community ownership, using revenue in communities historically impacted by the “war on drugs.”

  • Decriminalize “crimes of poverty” like fare-jumping and sleeping on the subway; and end stop-and-frisk and other broken windows policing.

  • Treat gun violence as a public health crisis, securing funding for anti-violence, community-based programming.

  • Implement community planning and safety plans that include prevention and intervention

  • Hold law enforcement accountable through an Elected Civilian Review Board (“ECRB”), oppose indemnification clauses in NYPD union contracts, end qualified immunity, and increase implicit bias training. 

Food Access

  • Fully fund, stock and expand local food pantries ensuring free local access to food.

  • Prioritize the creation and expansion of food distribution at older adult centers. Support and work with existing community farms to source locally grown, fresh food for community distribution.

  • Expand access to community spaces and schools for Grab & Go sites. Safeguard food deliveries for seniors, and the disabled.

  • Fight to expand SNAP to include hot or prepared foods, ensuring that our most vulnerable, the disabled, elderly, and those experiencing homeless are able to maximize their benefits.

Technological Divide

  • Ensure free universal public high speed internet, neighborhood-wide hotspots; guarantee access for students, seniors, low-income families, and those Experiencing homeless.

  • Make permanent and expand the Department of Education’s technology loan program for remote learners.

Arts & Culture

  • Support community-led arts and culture through investment and policies.

  • Create more local creative spaces, equitable access to arts and culture activities, and more opportunities for self determined placemaking.

  • Prioritize arts and culture to bridge divides, increase community participation, safety and unity.

  • Create a community-driven, social justice based preservation mechanism for the narrative of our community, highlighting our stories.

  • Empower our community through sharing the history of the neighborhood, and elevating cultural events.

Small Business Support

  • Protect small businesses through Commercial Rent Stabilization legislation.

  • Support community entrepreneurship, small business owners and employees. 

  • Lead on a Municipal Small Business Economic Stimulus Package that includes emergency grants, and protections to mitigate displacement from  decades of disinvestment, the 2016 East New York rezoning and the COVID pandemic.

  • Lift the cap on street vendor permits; create and direct resources for a permanent open streets and lot program for businesses, vendors and entrepreneurs.

  • Fight for commercial revitalization support for small business districts throughout the community.

  • Implement a community startup incubator by providing workspace, seed funding, mentoring and training.

  • Equip business districts to implement data-driven improvements.


  • Healthcare is a basic human right.

  • Equitably fund, and expand access to healthcare resources targeting disparities that disproportionately impact our community.

  • Support, protect and expand public hospitals, and health centers ensuring stronger community health resources.

  • Support and advocate for the passage of the New York Health Act (NYHA), oppose the closure of healthcare facilities and increase community oversight and input into closure decision-making.

Community Empowerment

  • Implement accessible democracy and community-wide civic engagement. Enact participatory budgeting guaranteeing community a voice in how their money in the district is spent.

  • Hold regular town halls, trainings and workshops.

  • Lead in the implementation of vote-by-mail, expanded early voting, automatic online voter registration, and accessible voting technology for our polling sites. 

  • Hold accessible community meetings to ensure participation and expand who is in the room, including parents, people with disabilities, and youth.

  • invest in employment, green jobs, apprenticeship, trade school and continuing education initiatives

  • Establish district-wide working groups, resident councils, tenant/block, merchant’s and homeowners associations facilitating constant communication and community co-governance.

Greener Community

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  • Pass a Green New Deal for NYC.

  • Expand active green spaces, protect community gardens and eliminate the barriers to creating community gardens. Prioritize a green NYCHA, retrofitting roofs, expand the Rain Barrel Giveaway Program and tenant-led community gardens.

  • Expand the safe streets and public plaza program through a community led initiative to identify locations securing training, funding and resources.

  • support and fully fund dog runs ensuring that they are equipped with accessible, clean dog space, dog-friendly water fountains, free dog waste bags, and dedicated play spaces for smaller dogs.